
dig up是什么意思翻译_dig up的音标怎么读

dig up

挖出, 采掘, 发现, 开垦


Newspapers love to dig up scandal.


She knew the children were up to mischief, and she found them digging up the flowers.


An old Greek statue was dug up here last month.


By digging up a few unsavoury details about his past we managed to have him hounded out.


We dug up the rose bushes and planted some cabbages.


dig up

挖出, 采掘, 发现, 开垦


Newspapers love to dig up scandal.


She knew the children were up to mischief, and she found them digging up the flowers.


An old Greek statue was dug up here last month.


By digging up a few unsavoury details about his past we managed to have him hounded out.


We dug up the rose bushes and planted some cabbages.


dig updig up
1.翻译:掘起, 找到The children helped their parents to dig up potatoes.孩子们帮他们的父母挖马铃薯。An old coin was dug up in the garden.在花园里挖出了一枚古硬币。
2.翻译:翻土准备种东西They dug up their flower gardens to grow vegetables.他们翻花园的土以种菜。This field needs to be dug up.这块田需要翻土。
3.翻译:发现, 揭露出Where did you dig up the fresh evidence?你从哪儿弄到那些新证据的?The scandal was dug up by a well-informed journalist.这件丑闻是被一位消息灵通的新闻记者发现的。
4.翻译:筹集We should be able to dig up enough money for your ticket.我们应该能够筹集到足够的钱供你买票。

dig up
1.翻译:掘松;翻(土);闲耕,犁开(休闲的土地);开垦(土地):The earth wants digging up.这泥土需翻松。
2.翻译:挖掘:to dig up the street挖掘街道
3.翻译:掘起,挖出to dig up the tree by its roots把树连根掘起to dig up potatoes挖马铃薯
4.翻译:发掘出(埋藏的东西):to dig up an old coin发掘出一枚古代币to dig up some remains发掘出一些遗物
5.翻译:找出,查出;查明;发现;得到:to dig up some facts about the old family查出那老家庭的一些事实to dig up an excuse for找出一个借口
6.翻译:[口语]搜集,收集,筹集,凑集:to dig up information搜集消息to dig up enough money for为…凑足钱
8.翻译:[美国俚语](好不容易)碰上(或发现)(某个丑陋、怪僻的人或老式过时的东西):When did you dig him up?你什么时候偶尔碰上他的?Where did you dig her up?你在哪儿碰上她了?

见:dig: dig up

dig up

动词 dig up:

find by digging in the ground

同义词:excavate, turn up